Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

Partnership information

My name is Aisha Fatima Ahmad from Damascus Syria.I write to help me secure
My money to your possession USD14,400,000.00. Reply for details if you are

Mrs.Aisha Fatima Ahmad.

Selasa, 21 Juli 2015

Urgent Business Proposal

Hello Dear,

This is favor from God for me and you if you will be able to keep this deal confidential to yourself alone until the successful outcome of it. My name is Mr. Donald Kobi, I am the newly elected Financial Controller of Economic of West African States (ECOWAS) in Dakar,Senegal I am contacting you for a risk free two partners smooth financial business deal that will be executed without any fear of failure because it must work out as i have planned it.

Permit me to go directly to the point, I have been mandated and empowered by the 16 economic of west African states (ECOWAS) countries and Governments to disburse a total sum of 250,000,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Million United States dollars) to African charity organizations and outside African continents.

As it may interest you to know. this money in question was seized and confiscated funds by anti drug law enforcement agency and economic and financial crimes commission of all the 16 West African countries making up economic of west African States(ECOWAS).

These Funds are under my control as I am the only person that has the statutory powers and final say to make approval for payment,for any person to be paid as the legitimate person or group of persons that own or operate a charity home.

My reason for contacting you is to have a deal with you. I will make approval of six Million, five hundred thousand united states dollars(USD6.5M)in your favor. Your duty is to stand as managing director or proprietor of a Charity organizations or charity home in your country to receive the funds on behalf of the Charity home. It is my duty to do all the paperwork and get the payment approved in your favor,then i will write to instruct and direct our paying bank to pay the approved money to you. Our official paying bank is United bank for Africa (UBA) Plc.Dakar, Senegal.

I want a sincere and trustworthy man or woman who is ready and willing to work with me to realize this ambition. If you are willing to work this deal out with me please indicate your interest by replying this email as quickly as possible. Once I read from you, I will tell you how this deal will be carried out successfully. It is 100% risk free. The amount involve is Six million, Five hundred thousand United states dollars,and you will get two million dollars out of it as yours for your assistance to complete the business. The business must be kept top secret at all times before,during and after concluding it.

Please respond directly to my private email donaldkobi_11@qq.com


Mr.Donald Kobi
Financial controller
Economic of West African States (ECOWAS).
Ecowas Sub-headquaters,Dakar,Senegal