Senin, 25 April 2022

Project Funding / Joint Venture.

Joint Venture / Project Funding ( See Attached file and get back to us if you are interested)

Minggu, 10 April 2022

Admin Attention For Urgent Proofing

Good Morning

Dear Concerned........................................................

This email is auto genarated from IMF-FBI-INT Official Dpt for finance and common wealth 2022.

You are hereby advised to reply to this email

We have an urgent transaction code that matches with your names as one of the ongoing financial aids outlisted by International Monetary Agency,

For your information, You are among the winners for 5 million usd.

For more information, Do get back to us and claim your fund.

NOTE: This is 100% risk free.

At your service.

Mr James,

Office of the State Sec.
IMF Unit.