Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

Next Of Kin Inheritance

Dear Friend,

Seasonal greetings to you. I am Peter Wong Tung-Shun, staff member and Independent Director HSBC Bank Malaysia.

I am sending you this brief mail to seek your interest and honest partnership on a confidential business transaction which I will like to introduce you into that will be of our mutual benefit. (US$19,300,000.00) Nineteen Millions Three Hundred Thousand USD.

The above amount was left behind by a deceased client of HSBC Bank who shares the same last names as yours. He died of heart attack after receiving the tragic news that his wife and three children were killed in the 2004 Tsunami in Sumatra, Indonesia. More than ten years on, no member of his family has come forward to claim his deposit. I decided to contact you since you bother share the same last name and i can present you as the relative next of kin to his account at HSBC.

All confirm-able documents to back up the claims will be made available to you prior to your acceptance and as soon as I receive your return mail via my private email address, I will let you know what is required and furnish with your further information.

Sincerely Yours
Peter Wong Tung
Email: peter.wongtung@outlook.com

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