Selasa, 09 Agustus 2022

Did you receive my last mail? I contacted you for an investment in your country. Please reply


kind Regards,

Reem B. Al Hashimi
PO Box 899
AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates

Jumat, 15 Juli 2022

Business Offer .

Dear Friend,
I know this letter will come to you as a surprise but let it not be or be treated as spam, for nature has a way of arriving unannounced. This message is highly classified and pertinent. I have an interesting business proposal for you, that will be of immense benefit to both of us. reply if you are interested for more information .
Evan P. Achilleos

Jumat, 24 Juni 2022

My beloved friend

My beloved lyunitarizka.korean,

It was a fate that i came across to your contact,
i believed what i saw in your profile.
You seen to be honest and trust worthy, i have some thing very important to
discus with you.

I will be waiting for your message response..

Josey Duwi

Kamis, 12 Mei 2022


Sayang lyunitarizka.korean,

Saya Mustafa Ayvaz, pengacara pribadi mendiang Bapak Robert, yang
meninggal dunia akibat penyakit virus Corona yang dideritanya
selama perjalanan bisnisnya di Tiongkok. Saya menghubungi Anda
untuk bekerja dengan saya dalam mengamankan transfer dana: Empat
juta empat ratus dua puluh ribu dolar, warisan yang ditinggalkan

Saya telah benar-benar mencari keluarga terdekat dari klien saya
yang sudah meninggal, tetapi gagal karena saya tidak memiliki
tempat tinggal dan detail kontaknya saat ini. Saat saya sedang
mencari, saya bertemu dengan profil Anda memiliki nama belakang
yang sama dan di lokasi yang sama dengan keluarga terdekat. Saya
memutuskan untuk menghubungi Anda dan menggunakan Anda sebagai
kerabat dekat Bonafide.

Saya meminta persetujuan Anda untuk menjadikan Anda sebagai
keluarga terdekat dari klien saya yang telah meninggal karena
Anda berdua memiliki nama belakang yang sama. Dana tersebut
kemudian akan ditransfer kepada Anda sebagai penerima manfaat dan
dibagikan sesuai dengan pola/rasio berbagi yang diusulkan 60:40
yaitu 60% untuk saya dan 40% untuk Anda. Silakan hubungi saya
segera untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Mustafa Ayvaz

Senin, 25 April 2022

Project Funding / Joint Venture.

Joint Venture / Project Funding ( See Attached file and get back to us if you are interested)

Minggu, 10 April 2022

Admin Attention For Urgent Proofing

Good Morning

Dear Concerned........................................................

This email is auto genarated from IMF-FBI-INT Official Dpt for finance and common wealth 2022.

You are hereby advised to reply to this email

We have an urgent transaction code that matches with your names as one of the ongoing financial aids outlisted by International Monetary Agency,

For your information, You are among the winners for 5 million usd.

For more information, Do get back to us and claim your fund.

NOTE: This is 100% risk free.

At your service.

Mr James,

Office of the State Sec.
IMF Unit.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2022



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Sabtu, 12 Maret 2022



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Selasa, 08 Maret 2022











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Senin, 21 Februari 2022

Re: PROJECT: From: Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu (GMD) Nnpc Towers Garki, Abuja

Nnpc Towers, Central Business District, Herbert Macaulay way, P.m.b. 190, Garki, Abuja.

From: Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu (GMD)
Contract Ref No: NNPC/PED/1462/KADREF/92)

Attn: Ceo,

I know that this proposal may come to you as a surprise especially having to come from someone you have not met before. I got your information from your country's chamber of commerce here in Nigeria.

My name is Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). Be informed that my partner Dr. Maikanti Baru and I awarded a contract to a foreign firm (Sheng Yang Contraction Company) with contract Ref No: NNPC/PED/1462/KADREF/92) for the maintenance of the Nigeria petroleum-chemical complex located at Kaduna, Nigeria.

I know that this proposal may come to you as a surprise especially having to come from someone you have not met before, but I would like you to co-operate with me so that this U$D98, 000,000.00 will be released and transferred into your account, it is mine profound intention to contact you for this very important and highly confidential transaction for the transfer of (U$D98, 000,000.00 Ninety-Eight Million United States Dollars Only into your bank account.

The contract has been successfully executed by the contractors and their contract sum has been paid to them, leaving us an overestimated balance of (U$D98, 000,000.00 Ninety-Eight Million United States Dollars Only) still pending at the bank. Right now, we are left with this overestimated balance of (U$D98, 000,000.00) which is still floating at the escrow account in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) waiting for final payment to any reliable foreign bank account, you may provide.

We, as government officials, are not permitted to own or operate foreign bank accounts. therefore, we need reliable person who will provide us with a foreign account where to transfer and deposit this US$98,000,000.00, that is the reason we are soliciting for your sincere assistance to provide us with an account where to transfer this money .all modalities for the easy transfer of this money is now in place, the period of this transaction is only two weeks from the day we receive your bank account details.

Note that 50% of our share will be invested in your country, as we propose to give you 30% of the U$D98, 000,000.00, my partners and I will get 60% of the money.

The balance of 10% will be allocated to cover all expenses incurred by both partners, be informed that this proposal is urgent and confidential, please send to me your bank account details and full address of company name and address, your private phone and fax number for easy communication which will be used in securing all the necessary documents for easy transfer of the fund.

Awaiting your urgent response.

Best regards.

Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu.
The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

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Jumat, 28 Januari 2022

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